ONG-ISAC & Rangeforce Webinar
Date: May 25, 2023 | 1:00 PM CST
Title: The future of cyber defense team readiness is here!
Abstract: Cyber leaders have many daily challenges, but 2 major questions crop up more than most: 1) How defense-capable are my teams right now? 2) How can we ensure they are constantly prepared for the latest threats? The RangeForce Cyber Defense Team Readiness Platform enables front line cybersecurity teams to regularly play through threat scenarios in safe, simulated networks, keeping their skills fresh and developing muscle memory for incident response best practices. Join RangeForce to find out how you can implement an effective programme of combination learning, incorporating self-paced individual training with team based threat exercises.
Rupert Collier, VP Global Sales
Tanner Howell, Director of Solutions Engineering
Speaker Bios:
Rupert Collier runs the commercial team at RangeForce and has been in the world of IT and cybersecurity for over 20 years in a variety of leadership roles.
A former senior SOC analyst at a Fortune 100 chemicals manufacturing company, Tanner Howell now leads the charge on the engineering side and will provide an in-depth look at the RangeForce platform.