Title: ICS Incident Response Tabletops – Walkthrough and Top Assessment Questions

CPE Credits: 2 hours

Abstract: In this SANS ICS session, attendees explored practical tabletop scenarios for industrial incident response and participated in threat-intel driven specific polls to draw out challenges and solutions. Take-aways included some of the top ICS risk assessment questions that should be asked for any / all Oil and Gas that will help with budget planning, understanding the Board’s risk tolerance, and practical ICS defense that prioritizes safety.

Speaker: Dean Parson

Bio: Dean is the CEO and Principal Consultant of ICS Defense Force and brings over 20 years of technical and management experience to the classroom. He has worked in both Information Technology and Industrial Control System (ICS) Cyber Defense in critical infrastructure sectors such as telecommunications, and electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and oil & gas refineries, storage, and distribution. Dean is an ambassador for defending industrial systems and an advocate for the safety, reliability, and cyber protection of critical infrastructure. His mission as an instructor is to empower each of his students, and he earnestly preaches that “Defense is Do-able!” Over the course of his career, Dean’s accomplishments include establishing entire ICS security programs for critical infrastructure sectors, successfully containing and eradicating malware and ransomware infections in electricity generation and manufacturing control networks, performing malware analysis triage and ICS digital forensics, building converged IT/OT incident response and threat hunt teams, and conducting ICS assessments in electric substations, oil and gas refineries, manufacturing, and telecommunications networks. A SANS Certified Instructor, Dean teaches ICS515: ICS Visibility, Detection, and Response and is a co-author of the new SANS Course ICS418: ICS Security Essentials for Managers. Dean is a member of the SANS GIAC Advisory Board and holds many cybersecurity professional certifications including the GICSP, GRID, GSLC, and GCIA, as well as the CISSP®. He is a proud native of Newfoundland and holds a BS in computer science from Memorial University of Newfoundland.